Greetings from Port Townsend Washington! We returned to PT in October and immediately hauled the boat out of the water. It is now sitting on land and we climb up 20' ladders to get onboard which can be tricky when its raining sideways from strong winter storms!
Thankfully we kept our little 23' camper from 2016 so we moved it from storage to a RV park in PT and are living there while we work on the boat over the winter. This is an improved arrangement from last winter when we lived on the boat while we worked on it--that situation made us both crazy (although for different reasons!).
Winter projects this year include sanding and painting the hull, removing the wood mast for inspection and adding new electronics to the mast head, checking, removing and repairing the bow spit for possible rot, painting the topsides, replacing the kitchen countertops, creating a cold storage for vegetables, upgrading our radar and auto pilot as well as replacing a few sensors. So more or less normal boat maintenance. ;-)
Meanwhile I am apprenticing with a local artist I met last year who will be teaching me new methods and techniques for drawing more nuanced and detailed pictures. I'm really excited about this opportunity.
We are also spending the winter planning for 2019. At this point we plan on putting BOREAS back in the water towards the end of April/May and then sailing north to explore more nooks and crannies of the B.C. coastline maybe getting as far north as Southeast Alaska. Come fall we may be looking for crew to take BOREAS out in the big blue ocean from Washington to San Francisco . From there Rob and I would take her down to Mexico. But a lot has to be worked out between now and then! In the meantime we put together this short video showing the highlights of our 2018's sailing trip
(click on the image below or this link: https://youtu.be/6TrX_HJUFTE).
Whatever we decide to do we will let you all know here on our blog.
All the best for 2019!